TypeBooks Adds Content, Redesign with New Issue.
San Francisco, California (October 21, 1998)
Type Books for the well-read typographer (, a leading online resource for finding publications on the letterform arts, continues to augment its comprehensive indices in its latest issue by adding two new features; Book of the Week and a New Books page. The most recent issue features another content enhancement, in the form of a website redesign.

Book of the Week (
TypeBooks increases its activity with a weekly book recommendation now available on each Wednesday on the website. The Book of the Week recommendation can also be found at the Microsoft (TM) Typography Website (

New Books (>
TypeBooks has also added an index page to the regular features to generate reader interest in upcoming and recently published books on the letterform arts. This page presents a one-stop source for those interested in keeping on top of the latest publications on the subject and is an invaluable free tool for publishers to announce their titles.

Website Redesign (
The latest issue (No. 11) implements a site-wide redesign for improved access to content and better integration of all available features. The changes include a more modular layout, improvements to the stylesheets, a logo redesign and a leaner design using fewer images, to speed page loading. The book reviews featured in the new issue are: _FontBook_ ( _Signs, Symbols & Icons_ (

TypeBooks is published six times a year by the San Francisco design studio, Delve Media Arts (, and a staff of independent contributors in the US and the UK. TypeBooks consists primarily of a set of indices listing publications on the letterform arts. Other regular features of the site include in-depth book reviews and compelling author interviews. By linking some publications to their publishers' (and even authors') websites, TypeBooks facilitates further research and online ordering. An association with enables TypeBooks to offer many publications to its readers at substantial discounts, while simultaneously providing site visitors a way to financially support the TypeBooks website at no personal expense. As a trade-oriented website and a not-for-profit organization, all proceeds from book sales commissions and advertising are used to help defray the continued maintenance and improvement of the TypeBooks website. The TypeBooks website was created to encourage progress in the letterform arts and for this reason, it is a free resource to anyone interested in learning more about these subjects through reading.

Contact: Delve Withrington (mailto:[email protected])
TypeBooks, P.O. Box 641053, San Francisco, CA 94164-1053

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