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Gates, David
Publisher: Watson-Guptill Publications [1976]
ISBN: 0-8230-5522-1
Binding: Hardcover

Gaur, Albertine
History of Calligraphy, A
Publisher: Cross River Press [1994]

Gaur, Albertine
History of Writing, A
Publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons [1985]
ISBN: 1-55859-358-6
Binding: Hardcover

Gehr, Paul

Giles, Vic and Hodgson, F. W.
Creative Newspaper Design (2nd Ed.)
Authors: Vic Giles and F. W. Hodgson
Publisher: Focal Press [1996]
ISBN: 0-240-51442-4
Binding: Paperback, 280pp.

Gill, Eric
Essay on Typography, An*
Publisher: David R. Godine, Publisher [1993]
ISBN: 0-87923-950-6
Binding: Paperback, 144pp.
*Read the TypeBooks Review of this book!

Ginger, E.M. & Bright, William & MacMillan Susan
Fine Print Index (Volumes 1-16)
Publisher: Pro Arte Libri [October 1998]
ISBN: 0-9607290-3-8
Binding: Paperback

Glasgow, Dale, et al.
Information Illustration: Learn How to Creat Imaginative Diagrams, Charts, Maps, and Symbols on the Computer
Publisher: [1994]
ISBN: 0-201-40725-6
Binding: Paperback

Glauber, Barbara, et al.
Lift and Separate: Graphic Design and the Quote Unquote Vernacular
Publisher: The Herb Lubalin Study Center/Princeton Architectural Press [1993]
ISBN: 1-878271-95-4
Binding: Paperback, 66pp, 8 1/4" x 10 3/4"

Goffe, Gaynor & Ravenscroft, Anna
Calligraphy School
Publisher: Readers Digest Association [1994]
ISBN: 0-8957-7524-7
Binding: 176pp, 26 cm.

Gosney, Michael
Verbum Book of Digital Typography, A
Publisher: M & T Books [1991]
ISBN: 1-55851-092-3
Binding: Paperback

Gottschall, Edward M., et al.
Typographic Communications Today
Publisher: MIT Press [1989]
ISBN: 0-262-07114-2
Binding: Hardcover, 250pp, 11" x 14 1/4"

Goudy, Frederic W.
Alphabet, The, & Elements of Lettering (Revised Edition)
Publisher: Dover Publications [1942]
ISBN: 0-486-20792-7
Binding: Paperback

------. Typologia
Publisher: University of California Press, Berkeley [1977]
ISBN: 0-520-03278-0
Binding: Paperback

------. Goudy's Type Designs, His Story and Specimens
Publisher: Oak Knoll Press [May 1979]
ISBN: 0-918142-04-0 (hc)
ISBN: 0-918142-04-0 (pb)
Binding: Hardcover & Paperback, 286pp.

Gourdie, Tom
Calligraphic Styles
Publisher: Taplinger Publishing Co. [1979]
ISBN: 0-8008-1181-X
Binding: 106pp.

Graphic Artist's Guild
Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing & Ethical Guidlines (9th Ed.)
Publisher: Graphic Artist's Guild [1997]
ISBN: 0-932102-09-3
Binding: Paperback, 328pp.

Grastorf, Dennis J.
Wood Type of the Angelica Press
Publisher: Angelica Press [1975]
ISBN: None
Binding: 1 Case (unbound parts) , 220 copies, 54 cm.

Gray, Bill
Calligraphy Tips
Publisher: Prentice-Hall/Design Press [1989]
ISBN: 0-8306-5501-8
Binding: Paperback

Gray, Bill & Shaw, Paul
Tips on Type: For Artists, Graphic Designers & Desktop Publishers (Revised)
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. [1997]
ISBN: 0-393-73006-9
Binding: Paperback

Gray, Nicolete
Lettering as Drawing
Publisher: Oxford University Press, UK [1971]
Binding: Paperback

------. History of Lettering, A
Publisher: [1986]

------. 19th Century Ornamented Type Faces
Publisher: University of California Press, Berkeley [1992]
ISBN: 0-520-03074-5
Binding: Hardcover

Green, Katharine, et al.
Fontographer User's Manual (3rd Ed.)
Publisher: Macromedia, Inc. [1996]
Binding: Paperback, 448pp, 9" x 7 1/2"

Greenwald, Martin & Luttropp, John
Graphic Communications: Design through Production
Publisher: Delmar Publishers [1997]
ISBN: 0-8273-6459-8
Binding: Casebound

Grosvenor, Jonathan, et al
Postscript Font Handbook, The: A Directory of Type 1 Fonts
ISBN: 0-201-56893-4
Binding: Paperback

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