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TThompson, Susan OtisAmerican Book Design & William Morris (2nd Ed.) Publisher: [1996] ISBN: 1-884718-25-6 (hc) ISBN: 1-884718-26-4 (pb) Binding: Hardcover & Paperback 318pp.
Tomato Design
Tracy, Walter
------. Typographic Scene, The
Troy, Geoffrey
Tschichold, Jan
------. Asymmetric Typography
------. New Typography, The: A Handbook for Modern Designers
------. Treasury of Alphabets & Lettering: A Source Book...
------. Treasury of Calligraphy: 219 Great Examples, 1522-1840
Tschichold, Jan & Hadeler, Hajo
Tufte, Edward R.
------. Visual Display of Quantitative Information, The (Reprint)
------. Visual Explanations: Images & Quantities, Evidence & Narrative
Type Directors Club Staff
------. Typography 15: The 40th Annual of the Type Directors Club
------. Typography 17: The 42nd Annual of the Type Directors Club |
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